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Turn Everything to Love: Focusing on Christ as the Center

How can we practically apply Vincentian values into everyday life?

Here are a quick few points from “Turn Everything to Love, a rule of life for lay members of the Vincentian Family” by Fr. Bob Maloney, CM, which you can read on our website.

Christ as the Center: Christ is the absolute center of life for lay members of our Vincentian Family, and should be the guiding light in our actions and thoughts.

Daily Practices: Fr. Maloney’s suggestions include meditating on Christ’s words, focusing on His compassion, and repeating reflective phrases throughout the day.

Journey with Christ: We must be accompanying Christ on the journey of faith, looking to the future with confidence in the Lord.


Vincentian Insights from the Province

Fr. John Freund, CM

“I have a confession. I write these reflections for myself to make sense of issues I wrestle with. It’s about making connections.”

Fr. Tom McKenna, CM

“The image which stays with me: a spark which continually ignites, not just us humans but all of creation.”

Fr. Pat Griffin, CM

“[Saint] Francis [de Sales] deals with many of the same themes in a more colorful and personal style. I marvel at the number of illustrations and examples that populate Francis’ lessons.”

Who's the priest in the header?

In 1915, Fr. Joseph A. Skelly, CM, founded the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal to perpetuate the medal’s distribution.


This month, we remember Fr. Skelly, who passed away in July 1963, and his remarkable legacy of love for Mary and the Miraculous Medal.

From Universities Our Vincentians Founded

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Fr. John Timlin, CM

Fr. John Timlin, CM, has served as pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Greensboro, NC, since Aug. 16, 2021. He also served at St. Mary’s from 2012 to 2016, making Greensboro a second home for the Philadelphia native and Niagara University graduate.

 Let’s learn a little about his perspectives and experiences.


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