Vincentian Voices is a digital newsletter that features priestly reflections, Vincentian news, profiles, videos, social posts, and much more. This content is centered on the Eastern Province Vincentian family—both religious and laity alike.

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Amid Challenges, Faith in Mary Thrives in Panama

Panamanians are facing challenges that call for Mary’s intercession: access to water, mining operations, and housing.



Vincentian Insights from the Province

Fr. Tom McKenna, CM

The language of spoken words is not the only way to praise God. Adulation from other creatures comes through also. When ignoring the voices of these entities acclaiming the Divine, our human hearts and minds could easily overlook the genuine tribute to God being paid by the infinitely more expansive natural world.”

Fr. Pat Griffin, CM

Two weeks ago, our beautiful campus did not reflect much activity. Now, it bursts with the students hustling from one place to another or lying on the lawn or playing some sport or wandering about trying to find a classroom. I rejoice in the energetic new life that abounds. I also feel the responsibility that this situation places upon those of us who work at the University.”

Provincial Makes Radio Appearance

The 400th Anniversary of the Congregation is being commemorated both internally and externally. Fr. Steve Grozio, CM, spoke to this beautifully on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s La Voz de Dios en las Voces de Nuestros Pueblos (The Voice of God in the Voices of Our People) radio show.

We translated the Spanish interview with English subtitles on our Facebook and click here for the full Spanish version.

From Universities Our Vincentians Founded

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including . . .

5 new members of the Church welcomed by our Vincentian community at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania