On December 8, 2024, Fr. Joe Fitzgerald, CM, the Regional Superior in Panama, joined the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s La Voz de Dios en Las Voces de Nuestros Pueblos (The Voice of God in the Voices of the People) podcast, hosted by Producer Marianela Núñez. In the half-hour-long episode the pair shared an in-depth conversation on Mary’s essential role during the Advent season.

Fr. Fitzgerald shared his insights on Mary’s “yes” to God’s plan at the Annunciation and how She carried unwavering faith and grace with Her daily. The episode explores Mary’s selflessness as Jesus’ first disciple, and Fr. Fitzgerald told listeners how we can apply Her willingness to our own lives, particularly during Advent.

The key points and takeaways


Mary’s Faith

Mary’s faith is a model for all Christians. Fr. Fitzgerald discussed Mary’s unwavering faith, even in the face of uncertainty. He emphasized how Her “yes” was constant and not based on a comprehensive understanding of God’s plans but rather on a sheer trust in it.


Mary as a disciple

The podcast explored Mary’s role as the first disciple and how She serves as a model for all Christians. Fr. Fitzgerald highlighted Her unwavering support of Jesus and Her active participation.


A look at the season

Advent is a time for preparation, renewal, and hope. Fr. Fitzgerald and Núñez discussed and shared a spiritual reflection for listeners, encouraging them to connect more deeply with their faith during the Advent season. The program concluded with a prayer led by Fr. Fitzgerald, emphasizing the importance of following Mary’s example and finding hope and strength in God’s love.

By following Mary’s example, we can deepen our relationship with God.

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