When you support our Vincentian ministries, you help to improve the lives of individuals and families throughout the Eastern United States and Panama through legal assistance, life-skills management training, rehabilitation counseling, and emergency assistance programs.

Make Your Online Gift Today
Using our secure website, you can make your gift online and it will be put to immediate good use in support of the Vincentian ministries.

Memorial and Honorary Gifts
A memorial gift recognizes the life of a departed loved one and serves as a reflection upon their life. You can leave the name of the person you wish to honor or memorialize in the appropriate box on the giving form.

Planned Giving
A planned gift can provide support to the to the Vincentians of the Eastern Province in the future, while providing financial and tax benefits for you and your family today. Please contact Megan C. Brogan, JD for more information at 267-876-5281.

Donor Advised Fund
Giving through a gift account to the Vincentians of the Eastern Province. If you have a donor advised fund, you you can recommend a “grant” to specific 501 (c)(3) charity organizations like CAMM which is the fundraising arm of the Vincentians of the Eastern Province. Our federal tax ID # is 23-1353295

Everyone has the right to a safe home. The Vincentians help those in need have a stable living environment and security for themselves and their families.

The Vincentians have established and continue to operate food pantries and soup kitchens in communities throughout the Eastern United States and Panama.

Those who struggle with substance abuse often feel shame and cast aside. The Vincentians counsel them and connect them with relevant resources.

The Vincentians provide guidance, support, and counseling to those in prison and returning to society by helping them secure employment and housing.